Abstracto Rojo (Abstract Red)
painting of woman enjoying a painting by Ad Reinhardt
G. Boersma
acrylic on masonite
8" x 8" or 20 x 20 cm
Ad Reinhardt was a prominent American abstract artist, writer, critic, and educator. Although commonly associated with the Abstract Expressionists, his work had its origins in geometric abstraction.
In this work, subtle variation in hue creates a grid, an effect intended to be neither symbolic nor referential but purely optical. Reinhardt argued for the elimination of sentiment from art. 'I don’t understand, in a painting,' he said, 'the love of anything except the love of painting itself.'
Although Reinhardt sought to remove all references to the external world from his pictures, he remained convinced that his art had the potential to affect social change. He also maintained an interest in various types of mysticism. Something perhaps my viewer is enjoying.
If you're interested in purchasing this small study just send me an email to info@gerardboersma.nl or click on the link above.
kind regards, Gerard
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