The Prophet
Portrait of Dutch anti-islam politician Geert Wilders with muslims
G. Boersma
acrylics on masonite
48" x 35 1/2" or 122 x 90 cm
Geert Wilders is a popular Dutch right-wing politician who expresses a dislike
of Islam on a continuing basis. After hearing him speak on television one night
I realized that even though he speaks out against muslims
he needed their presence to become a big figure in Dutch politics.
And that's of course exactly what you see on this painting:
small portraits of muslims making Wilders a larger than life figure.
The Prophet is an original, 100% handmade painting created with the finest quality of acrylic on gessoed panel.
There are about 750 little portraits of muslims that make up the larger portrait of Wilders.
It took a lot of head scratching and all of my skills as a painter to get it right.
After two months of painting full time I was finally satisfied.
kind regards, Gerard
Detailed images my portrait of Dutch anti-islam politician Geert Wilders with muslims
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