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Wissesdwinger 1, studio no. 8
contact info@gerardboersma.nl


Spa & Fruit - Still life painting bottle of Spa

I had a hectic day yesterday, but everything turned out just great! I had to pick up a couple of paintings at Warnars & Warnars and then bring them and other paintings to the frameshop in Amsterdam. From there they will be framed and shipped to LA for the LA Art Show in january. Not exactly knowing where to go me and a friend took a wrong turn somewhere, but we managed to get there with less than a quarter to spare before the shop closed. I'm glad everything turned out just fine, but decided to take it slow today. I hope you enjoy todays painting of a bottle of Spa & Fruit and I wish you a happy weekend!

kind regards, Gerard Boersma

Spa & Fruit
G. Boersma
acrylics on masonite
6.7" x 6" or 17 x 15 cm

If you're interested in purchasing this painting just send me an email stating the title for more information and price. I'm looking forward to hearing from you!

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