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Wissesdwinger 1, studio no. 8
contact info@gerardboersma.nl


Jubileum Expositie Jopie Huisman

Museum De Andere Kant just before the crowd arrived

I wanted to post something about the opening of my show with my great-uncle Jopie Huisman yesterday, but I needed a whole day to recover. What a day it has been! So many people showed up! I don't have any exact numbers, but I've been told that over 500 people attended the openings ceremony!

Opening speech by cousin Joop and son Jacob

It all started at the Jopie Huisman Museum where cousin Joop and son Jacob made their opening speech. Those guys are something else. They never organized a show before, let alone one of this size and magnitude, but they did it anyway. And how!

They talked about their trips cross country meeting all the people who owned one or more works by Jopie. Without those proud owners the show would have been impossible! Jacob and Joop collected over 150 works by my great-uncle, most of these paintings and drawings were never shown to the public before.

Former Provincial Governor of Friesland Ed Nijpels,
Jopie's first wife Elly and me painting

After the speeches the whole crowd had to move across the street to hear Ed Nijpels speak. Together with Jopie's first wife Elly and me we painted a black and white version of the selfportrait of Jopie as an original way to open the show.

Ed Nijpels declares the show open for all

My showroom upstairs

Of course you could find me upstairs in my own showroom. I enjoyed talking to everybody and I got loads of positive responses. Some of the people I talked to turned out to be distant relatives whom I never had the pleasure of meeting before. I heard so many stories about Jopie as well that my head is still spinning!

Needless to say I had a wonderful time and I would like to thank Jacob and Joop again for inviting me to show and everybody else who made this show possible! I'm going to take things easy today and slowly getting back to painting. In the near future I will be painting at the show, dates are to be announced!

kind regards, Gerard

Jubileum Expositie Jopie Huisman
Museum De Andere Kant
april 10 - nov 6
It Noard 5

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