logo1 gerard boersma
Wissesdwinger 1, studio no. 8
contact info@gerardboersma.nl


Famous Frisian in America and Obama Superman

I had a splended day today! This morning I attended the bookpresentation of Famous Frisians in America. The book by Peter de Haan is a collection of fascinating profiles of 70 famous Frisians who positively distinguished themselves in the United States for the last 400 years. From Peter Stuyvesant to Doutzen Kroes...and me! As one of the very few artists I too am included in the book with one page of text and 3 images of my series of paintings about the US.

The presentation began with a nice breakfast, followed by a word of welcome by the commisioner of the Queen. After that a couple of speakers took center stage giving a lot of background info on a selection of people in the book. Very interesting to listen to. It was quite crowded too, over 100 people attended. During the presentation images were projected on a large screen, including some of my paintings! Later I spoke to the author and I got my own copy. The book is not only published in Dutch, but in English as well. On 12 september the first copy of the English version will be presented to topmodel Doutzen Kroes on Governor's Island in New York during the Hudson 400 festivities. More info on the book can be found here

In the spirit of today I give you Obama Superman. I had this idea for a while and just now finished it. At first I didn't want to publish it, because it's so out of character, but then again I couldn't think of a painting more appropriate for today then this one!

kind regards, Gerard Boersma

Obama Superman
G. Boersma
acrylics on masonite
20" x 20" or 51 x 51 cm

If you're interested in purchasing this painting just send me an email stating the title for more information and price. I'm looking forward to hearing from you!

Larger sized image
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