Koffie Verkeerd
man and woman drinking coffee
G. Boersma
acrylics on masonite
6" x 6" or 15 x 15 cm
On the topfloor of a small local shoppingmall there was a spot were you can look down to the groundfloor. I did and saw a man and woman having coffee on the groundfloor, but not together.
Immediately the term 'Koffie Verkeerd' came to mind. That's Dutch for latte, but it literally means something like coffee the wrong way, too much milk makes it wrong I guess.
To me that was happening here: they were having coffee the wrong way. Why not talk and enjoy eachothers company? I mean, they are both about the same age, sitting there alone, wouldn't it be much more fun if they actually stroke up a conversation?
kind regards, Gerard