Last year you could be the proud owner of my painting 'The Shell', but this year is going to be a little bit different. I'm not giving away one painting but two! You can be the proud owner of my painting 'The Bull' or 'Holy Water' for a price you yourself come up with. All you got to do is tell my why one of these paintings or both should be hanging on your wall.
The Bull goes for 212,- euro (± $ 335,-) on my site and 'Holy Water' for 129,- euro (± $ 204,-), but it doesn't matter how high, low or crazy your bid is. Anything goes! Whether you want the painting for 6,56 or both for 1787,- euro, dollars or yen doesn't matter, the painting can be yours for either amount!
All you have to do is tell me why 'The Bull' or 'Holy Water' should hang on your wall. Our expert jury, existing of me, myself and I, will give the painting to the entry with the most creative, original or personal motivation.
For writing your motivation you can use as many words as you need to. You can write a motivation for 'The Bull', 'Holy Water' or for both paintings. Send your motivation and your price mentioning 'The Bull' or 'Holy Water' before september 1, 2008 to:
Gerard Boersma
Wissesdwinger 1, studio no. 15
8911 ER Leeuwarden
The Netherlands
or email it to:
You can send as many motivations as you like and of course you can tell your friends and family about it too. The results will be announced on september 2 on
I'm looking forward receiving your motivations!
Gerard Boersma
Holy Water
G. Boersma
acrylics on masonite
6.7" x 6", 17 x 15 cm
The Bull
G. Boersma
acrylics on masonite
9.9" x 8.7", 25,2 x 22 cm