logo1 gerard boersma
Wissesdwinger 1, studio no. 8
contact info@gerardboersma.nl


The Walk

Crossing a road can be a dangerous thing. You just might get run over by a bus or like the man on my painting by a yellow cab. But at times you just have to cross the road and take the risk, otherwise you just ain't going anywhere. I for one would be more comfortable riding the cab though.

Summer is here and everybody is enjoying the weather. I noticed things are going a bit slower than usual because of this. I therefore decided to take the opportunity to start working on some larger sized paintings as well. Since I started this blog back in september last year I feel I haven't adressed to that enough and now it's a perfect time to do just that. As you understand larger paintngs take longer to finish, so I won't be posting daily for the time being. Don't worry it is still my aim to post at least 3 paintings a week, including larger and smaller sized paintings.

kind regards, Gerard Boersma

The Walk
G. Boersma
acrylics on masonite
6" x 6", 15 x 15 cm

If you're interested in purchasing this painting just send me an email stating the title for more information and price. I'm looking forward to hearing from you!

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