Coffe Bean Airport
painting of people waiting in line at Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf at Las Vegas Airport
G. Boersma
acrylic on masonite
35 1/2" x 27 2/3" or 90 x 70 cm
Leaving Las Vegas Airport and bound to Burbank, Los Angeles my friend wanted to stop at the Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf to get us both a refreshment.
While standing in line I thought it would make a perfect theme for a painting. It’s such a fleeting moment of todays’ society that it made me want to freeze time and just capture it forever.
I believe it says a lot about the society we’re living in. Fast paced and hardly any time to just sit down to eat and drink. No, just a quick bite
and go. The suitcases bring home this point to me.
What I’m also interested in are these weird short encounters we have with strangers all the time. On my painting two people are standing pretty close together, yet they don’t know each other and neither do they know the guy in the back I guess. Their lives probably will never cross paths again. That intrigues me a lot.
That’s more or less the feeling I tried to convey in my painting Coffee Bean Airport.
As a painter I’m also very much interested in just creating something beautiful to look at. After all I’m a visual aritst and I love the craftmanship that goes into creating a painting like this. Great time and effort are involved. All in all it took about a month painting full time to complete Coffee Bean Airport.
But I don’t really care how much time is involved, I love painting the lights, textures with just a few bottles of paint and some brushes. To make it all come together and just the sheer pleasure of painting is pure enjoyment.
kind regards, Gerard
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