One person wrote to me that Holy Water reminded him of a movie he had seen, while another saw Coca Cola as the only remedy for her pregnancy aches and pains. Somebody else talked in length about being a bull himself and therefore couldn't live without The Bull. Others wanted to have Holy Water for the deposit you get for bringing back the bottles of Coke to the supermarket.
As you can imagine, I've had a hard time picking a winner, but our expertise jury, existing of me, myself and I finally managed to do so!
Winner Holy Water - Renee Hilgers
When Renee saw Holy Water she immediately thought of her son, who's addicted to Coca Cola and an artlover as well. Her son currently serves in Iraq. Renee wants to give him the painting, because anything from home or pictures that remind him of home are priceless. Holy Water would be such a hoot and a real reminder of home and just shows how much his family loves him.
Holy Water
G. Boersma
acrylics on masonite
6.7" x 6", 17 x 15 cm
Winner The Bull - Jelte Pieter Dijkstra
Jelte Pieter too had written a motivation with somebody very dear to him in mind. He wants to give the painting away as a birthday present to somebody very special. I'm afraid I cannot tell you who it is, it will spoil the surprise if I did so. The Bull would come as a complete surprise and as with Renee, it is a great gesture of love as well.
The Bull
G. Boersma
acrylics on masonite
9.9" x 8.7", 25,2 x 22 cm
Well there you have it, two justified winners in my opinion. Thanks again and I cannot wait to celebrate my birthday next year with all of you! In closing I would also like to cordially invite you to the grand opening of my one man show at Gallery Van Den Bergh in my hometown Leeuwarden. More information about the show can be found here, a Dutch version is available here. I'm hoping to greet you as my guest next week!
Kind regards, Gerard