logo1 gerard boersma
Wissesdwinger 1, studio no. 8
contact info@gerardboersma.nl


Museum Bench

While visiting the Kunsthalle in Hamburg I noticed these two ladies taking a rest and enjoying the view in the impressionist room. And an impressive view it is! You can see Manets painting Nana on the background.

As you might have heard already this friday my one man show opens at Galerie van den Bergh in my hometown Leeuwarden. The gallery is located in the Beurs, a passage to our public library. Besides my urban landscapes I will also show some paintings with the theme library and bookstores. Later this week I will post two new paintings which I especially painted for this occasion. For show details please click here.

kind regards, Gerard Boersma

Museum Bench
G. Boersma
acrylics on masonite
6" x 6.7", 15 x 17 cm


Larger sized image

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